The show follows the adventures of stepbrothers Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher , who live in the fictional town of Danville, in the Tri-State area. Their older sister, Candace Flynn, is obsessed with two things throughout the show. One is “busting” Phineas and Ferb’s schemes and ideas, usually calling their mother to report the boys’ activities in an attempt to get them in trouble, but is never successful because of events that transpire in another subplot. Second is that she is obsessed with a boy named Jeremy whom she wants to be her boyfriend.Meanwhile, the boys’ pet platypus, Perry, acts as a secret agent for an all-animal government organization called the O.W.C.A. (“Organization Without a Cool Acronym”), fighting Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz.
Much of the series’ humor relies on running gags used in every episode, with slight variation.For example,when Perry the platypus defeats Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Dr. Doofenshmirtz says, “Curse you Perry the Platypus!” When Phineas has a new idea, he says, “Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today!” Phineas and Ferb, along with other characters, then ask, “Hey, where’s Perry?” In several episodes, an adult asks Phineas if he is a little young to be performing some complex activities, to which he responds, “Yes, yes I am.” When Perry is called in for a mission for the O.W.C.A., he uses various hidden passageways all over the house and yard to enter his lair. Dr. Doofenshmirtz almost always, with a few exceptions, names his evil creations “-Inators” .Perry and Doofenshmirtz’s confrontations generally lead to the destruction or disappearance of whatever Phineas and Ferb are constructing or taking part in that day, leaving Candace shocked (“Bu-Bu-Bu-Bu-But…!”) and her mother unconvinced.
Aspects of the show’s humor are aimed at adults,including its frequent pop-cultural references.Co-creator Dan Povenmire sought to create a show that was less raunchy than Family Guy—having previously worked on the show—but had the same reliance on comic timing, metahumor, humorous blank stares, wordplay and breaking the Fourth wall.Povenmire describes the show as a combination of Family Guy and SpongeBob SquarePants.Jeff “Swampy” Marsh, the other co-creator, said the show was not created just for kids; he simply did not exclude them as an audience.
Much of the series’ humor relies on running gags used in every episode, with slight variation.For example,when Perry the platypus defeats Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Dr. Doofenshmirtz says, “Curse you Perry the Platypus!” When Phineas has a new idea, he says, “Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today!” Phineas and Ferb, along with other characters, then ask, “Hey, where’s Perry?” In several episodes, an adult asks Phineas if he is a little young to be performing some complex activities, to which he responds, “Yes, yes I am.” When Perry is called in for a mission for the O.W.C.A., he uses various hidden passageways all over the house and yard to enter his lair. Dr. Doofenshmirtz almost always, with a few exceptions, names his evil creations “-Inators” .Perry and Doofenshmirtz’s confrontations generally lead to the destruction or disappearance of whatever Phineas and Ferb are constructing or taking part in that day, leaving Candace shocked (“Bu-Bu-Bu-Bu-But…!”) and her mother unconvinced.
Aspects of the show’s humor are aimed at adults,including its frequent pop-cultural references.Co-creator Dan Povenmire sought to create a show that was less raunchy than Family Guy—having previously worked on the show—but had the same reliance on comic timing, metahumor, humorous blank stares, wordplay and breaking the Fourth wall.Povenmire describes the show as a combination of Family Guy and SpongeBob SquarePants.Jeff “Swampy” Marsh, the other co-creator, said the show was not created just for kids; he simply did not exclude them as an audience.
— Episodes In HINDI–
:: Season 02::
Episode 01- The Lake Nose Monster (Special) HD
Phineas and Ferb investigate the myth of the legendary “Lake Nose Monster”, an inhabitant of Lake Nose. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz uses a machine to filter all of the zinc out of the water of the lake, even though he experiences trouble thinking of an evil scheme that could involve zinc, and Candace gets a job as a lifeguard on the lake’s beach when Jeremy also works there as a lifeguard.
Phineas and Ferb investigate the myth of the legendary “Lake Nose Monster”, an inhabitant of Lake Nose. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz uses a machine to filter all of the zinc out of the water of the lake, even though he experiences trouble thinking of an evil scheme that could involve zinc, and Candace gets a job as a lifeguard on the lake’s beach when Jeremy also works there as a lifeguard.
Episode 02- Interview With a Platypus/Tip of the Day HD
Phineas and Ferb build a translator to see if Perry’s chattering noises actually mean anything, but they discover it can work on other animals too. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz tries to flood the Tri-State Area so he can make it like Venice and force everyone to buy his new Buoyancy Operated Aquatic Transport, or BO-AT for short.
Phineas and Ferb learn what the word “aglet” means and try to spread awareness of this to the world, while a disbelieving Candace uses the campaign as an opportunity to become famous. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz tries to get an embarrassing video of himself skating into a toilet off the internet by erasing the world’s memory of its existence.
Phineas and Ferb build a translator to see if Perry’s chattering noises actually mean anything, but they discover it can work on other animals too. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz tries to flood the Tri-State Area so he can make it like Venice and force everyone to buy his new Buoyancy Operated Aquatic Transport, or BO-AT for short.
Phineas and Ferb learn what the word “aglet” means and try to spread awareness of this to the world, while a disbelieving Candace uses the campaign as an opportunity to become famous. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz tries to get an embarrassing video of himself skating into a toilet off the internet by erasing the world’s memory of its existence.
Episode 03- Attack of the 50 Foot Sister/Backyard Aquarium HD
Candace drinks a growth elixir Phineas and Ferb created to become tall enough to audition for a modeling career at a local festival, but becomes extremely large as a result, causing an argument over her between the festival’s modeling audition lady and an eccentric oddball show owner . Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz plots to cover the festival with the smell of dirty diapers.
Phineas and Ferb build a giant aquarium in their backyard for their new goldfish. Meanwhile, Candace awaits a phone call from Jeremy, and Doofenshmirtz plots to disrupt the hot dog vendors of Danville so he can force them to sell bratwurst.
Candace drinks a growth elixir Phineas and Ferb created to become tall enough to audition for a modeling career at a local festival, but becomes extremely large as a result, causing an argument over her between the festival’s modeling audition lady and an eccentric oddball show owner . Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz plots to cover the festival with the smell of dirty diapers.
Phineas and Ferb build a giant aquarium in their backyard for their new goldfish. Meanwhile, Candace awaits a phone call from Jeremy, and Doofenshmirtz plots to disrupt the hot dog vendors of Danville so he can force them to sell bratwurst.
Episode 04- Day of the Living Gelatin/Elementary My Dear Stacy HD
The boys are inspired to make gelatin in their pool after Candace tells them to do something with their dessert. But, when Dr. Doofenshmirtz demonstrates his newest invention, the “Turn Everything Evil-inator”, it literally brings the gelatin to life.
The family and Stacy visit London, where Stacy and Candace investigate the boys’ newest scheme (a water slide from the top of Big Ben that ends on the London Eye) in the style of Sherlock Holmes. Meanwhile, Perry collaborates with a James Bond-esque British spy, Double 0-0 or 00 0, to foil Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s plan to move Big Ben to Danville as an alternative to reading his tiny watch.
The boys are inspired to make gelatin in their pool after Candace tells them to do something with their dessert. But, when Dr. Doofenshmirtz demonstrates his newest invention, the “Turn Everything Evil-inator”, it literally brings the gelatin to life.
The family and Stacy visit London, where Stacy and Candace investigate the boys’ newest scheme (a water slide from the top of Big Ben that ends on the London Eye) in the style of Sherlock Holmes. Meanwhile, Perry collaborates with a James Bond-esque British spy, Double 0-0 or 00 0, to foil Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s plan to move Big Ben to Danville as an alternative to reading his tiny watch.
Episode 05- Don’t Even Blink/Chez Platypus HD
Candace tries to figure out where all of Phineas and Ferb’s always creations go. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz experiments with a ray that can make things invisible.
Phineas and Ferb open a platypus themed restaurant in their backyard, which quickly becomes the trendiest restaurant in town. Jeremy takes Candace there, but both of them have to deal with Buford who refuses to let them in. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz goes on a date at the restaurant with a woman also interested in evil, but threatens to use a satellite to eliminate all love in the Tri-State Area if it doesn’t go well. The date goes well and before they can kiss, the love satellite crashes and changes her feeling towards him, making her dump him.
Candace tries to figure out where all of Phineas and Ferb’s always creations go. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz experiments with a ray that can make things invisible.
Phineas and Ferb open a platypus themed restaurant in their backyard, which quickly becomes the trendiest restaurant in town. Jeremy takes Candace there, but both of them have to deal with Buford who refuses to let them in. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz goes on a date at the restaurant with a woman also interested in evil, but threatens to use a satellite to eliminate all love in the Tri-State Area if it doesn’t go well. The date goes well and before they can kiss, the love satellite crashes and changes her feeling towards him, making her dump him.
Episode 06- Perry Lays an Egg/Gaming the System HD
When Phineas and Ferb find an egg, they believe it belongs to Perry, so they build a mechanical contraption to care for it. When Candace sees what her brothers are doing, her maternal instincts emerge and she agrees to help, on the condition that they don’t use any technological means whatsoever (like incubators, etc.). Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz plots revenge on whales who told his girlfriend to dump him by means of a whale translation device he created.
Phineas and Ferb create their own video game and program themselves into it. When Candace is accidentally zapped into the game, Phineas and Ferb have to bring her back in time for her cotillion. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz creates a device that can put ball gowns onto people to make them girlier (which would make him manlier by comparison).
When Phineas and Ferb find an egg, they believe it belongs to Perry, so they build a mechanical contraption to care for it. When Candace sees what her brothers are doing, her maternal instincts emerge and she agrees to help, on the condition that they don’t use any technological means whatsoever (like incubators, etc.). Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz plots revenge on whales who told his girlfriend to dump him by means of a whale translation device he created.
Phineas and Ferb create their own video game and program themselves into it. When Candace is accidentally zapped into the game, Phineas and Ferb have to bring her back in time for her cotillion. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz creates a device that can put ball gowns onto people to make them girlier (which would make him manlier by comparison).
Episode 07 – The Chronicles of Meap (Special) HD
When the boys accidentally knock a spacecraft out of the air with a remote-controlled baseball, Candace discovers an alien named Meap, who she initially believes is a plush toy that had been “robotized” by her brothers. But when Phineas, Ferb and Isabella are captured by Mitch, an alien poacher trying to capture the “cute” creature, Candace and Meap are forced to help rescue them. Meanwhile, when Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to retrieve a balloon he had treated as a friend in his childhood using static electricity, he and Perry are launched into the crossfire of the battle with Mitch.
When the boys accidentally knock a spacecraft out of the air with a remote-controlled baseball, Candace discovers an alien named Meap, who she initially believes is a plush toy that had been “robotized” by her brothers. But when Phineas, Ferb and Isabella are captured by Mitch, an alien poacher trying to capture the “cute” creature, Candace and Meap are forced to help rescue them. Meanwhile, when Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to retrieve a balloon he had treated as a friend in his childhood using static electricity, he and Perry are launched into the crossfire of the battle with Mitch.
Episode 08- Thaddeus and Thor/De Plane! De Plane! HD
When Candace meets Mandy, the sister of a pair of brothers who also like to build ambitious projects, the two ultimately force their brothers to compete in building forts. Meanwhile at a family reunion, Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to win a game of kickball with a robotic kicking leg.
Phineas and Ferb build a passenger plane out of papier-mâché to beat the record of the longest wingspan held by the famous Spruce Goose. Meanwhile, at the pool party at Jeremy’s house, Candace and Stacy see an Australian girl named Nicolette who seems to be trying to gain Jeremy’s attention (Candace doesn’t know that Nicolette is actually Jeremy’s cousin), and Doofenshmirtz builds an evaporation machine out of recycled materials.
When Candace meets Mandy, the sister of a pair of brothers who also like to build ambitious projects, the two ultimately force their brothers to compete in building forts. Meanwhile at a family reunion, Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to win a game of kickball with a robotic kicking leg.
Phineas and Ferb build a passenger plane out of papier-mâché to beat the record of the longest wingspan held by the famous Spruce Goose. Meanwhile, at the pool party at Jeremy’s house, Candace and Stacy see an Australian girl named Nicolette who seems to be trying to gain Jeremy’s attention (Candace doesn’t know that Nicolette is actually Jeremy’s cousin), and Doofenshmirtz builds an evaporation machine out of recycled materials.
Episode 12 – Phineas and Ferb’s Quantum Boogaloo (Special) HD
After encountering them in the future, an older version of Candace decides to steal Phineas and Ferb’s time machine and go back in time to the day they built a rollercoaster so she can help the present Candace catch them in the act. But when her actions cause a chain reaction turning the future into a dystopian society led by Dr. Doofenshmirtz, the future Candace decides to enlist her present brothers to help restore the good future.
After encountering them in the future, an older version of Candace decides to steal Phineas and Ferb’s time machine and go back in time to the day they built a rollercoaster so she can help the present Candace catch them in the act. But when her actions cause a chain reaction turning the future into a dystopian society led by Dr. Doofenshmirtz, the future Candace decides to enlist her present brothers to help restore the good future.
Episode 15 – No More Bunny Business
Candace finds a rabbit outside her house and decides to take it in as a pet. However, the rabbit is actually a rogue agent named Dennis, whom Perry is trying to prevent from hacking into the Agency’s mainframe. Meanwhile, Phineas and Ferb develop actual X-ray glasses after being ripped off by a novelty variety, and due to Perry’s absence Dr. Doofenshmirtz appoints a potted plant as his nemesis.
Candace finds a rabbit outside her house and decides to take it in as a pet. However, the rabbit is actually a rogue agent named Dennis, whom Perry is trying to prevent from hacking into the Agency’s mainframe. Meanwhile, Phineas and Ferb develop actual X-ray glasses after being ripped off by a novelty variety, and due to Perry’s absence Dr. Doofenshmirtz appoints a potted plant as his nemesis.
Episode 22 – Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation (Special Episode) HD
After Phineas, Ferb and their friends help decorate the city to celebrate the arrival of Santa Claus, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, after finally finding a reason to hate Christmas, uses his Naughty-inator to try to ruin the holiday for everyone. As a result, the boys and their friends try to help save Christmas for Danville.
After Phineas, Ferb and their friends help decorate the city to celebrate the arrival of Santa Claus, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, after finally finding a reason to hate Christmas, uses his Naughty-inator to try to ruin the holiday for everyone. As a result, the boys and their friends try to help save Christmas for Danville.
Episode 26 – Wizard Of Odd (Special Episode) HD
Mom says that Phineas and Ferb have to clean the house and she asks Candace to help, but she refused and instead read the book Mom gave her: The Wizard of Oz. Phineas and Ferb spin the house and spray it with a hose, but they spin the house too fast and accidentally knock Candace out, sending her into a Wizard of Oz-esque dream world. She journeys to “Bustopolis” under the impression the world is a simulation created by her brothers, but soon discovers that evil forces are attempting to get the boots that have grown on her feet.
Mom says that Phineas and Ferb have to clean the house and she asks Candace to help, but she refused and instead read the book Mom gave her: The Wizard of Oz. Phineas and Ferb spin the house and spray it with a hose, but they spin the house too fast and accidentally knock Candace out, sending her into a Wizard of Oz-esque dream world. She journeys to “Bustopolis” under the impression the world is a simulation created by her brothers, but soon discovers that evil forces are attempting to get the boots that have grown on her feet.
Episode 34 – Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation Part 1 & 2 (Special Episode) HD
The Flynn-Fletcher Family go on a vacation to Hawaii. While they were there, Phineas and Ferb make living sea creatures. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz creates a De-Evolution-inator.
During the Flynn-Fletcher Family vacation in Hawaii, Phineas and Ferb help Candace get rid of a lava necklace of bad luck. Meanwhile, Perry and Doofenshmirtz get stranded on an island.
The Flynn-Fletcher Family go on a vacation to Hawaii. While they were there, Phineas and Ferb make living sea creatures. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz creates a De-Evolution-inator.
During the Flynn-Fletcher Family vacation in Hawaii, Phineas and Ferb help Candace get rid of a lava necklace of bad luck. Meanwhile, Perry and Doofenshmirtz get stranded on an island.
Episode 39 – Rollercoaster: The Musical! (Special Episode) HD
Phineas and Ferb relive the day they built the rollercoaster as a musical. Doofenshmirtz once again tries to reverse the rotation of the Earth.
Phineas and Ferb relive the day they built the rollercoaster as a musical. Doofenshmirtz once again tries to reverse the rotation of the Earth.
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