In this series, Spider-Man forms a close friendship and alliance with two superheroes, Iceman and Firestar. Together, the group, informally known as “The Spider Friends”, battle crime in New York City. Along the way, they not only face Spider-Man’s own enemies, but also other major Marvel Comics villians like the Red Skull and Doctor Doom while also meeting other heroes of the Marvel Universe.
Season 01
The Green Goblin wants to poison the city’s water supply with a formula that will turn everyone into creatures like him.
Kraven the Hunter is in New York City to show off his prehistoric animals. However, his sideshow is a cover for his plot to take over New York City by hatching a dinosaur army. He steals a rare ruby (the Eye of India) and kidnaps Firestar to coerce her into harnessing her energy to power a growth energizer, which will hatch the eggs containing the dinosaurs.
Mr. Frump, a downtrodden, homeless man, gets ahold of an ancient amulet that Dr. Doom had hoped to use to gain control of the world. As Frump is realizing the amulet’s powers (and making many new friends as a result), Dr. Doom plots to trick Frump into handing over the amulet.
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